Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Teaching Observation at Diamond Junior High School

On Friday, June 2, I attended the "Diamond" Junior High School reserch classes and observed three English classes. Since our teaching practice is this September, it was a great oppotunity for us.

(1st grade "Let's introduce your family/friends")
First, they practiced these phrases;
・This is ~.
・He/She is ~.
・Is he/she ~?
Second, they talked about their famiries or friends using pictures in pairs.
After that, they introduced it to other students.
Finally, some student made a presentation in front of other student.

(2nd grade "Let's write a repoat to introduce moai")
First, they practiced new words.
Second, in order to write a report, they got these skills;
① put what you want to tell into shape
② refer to example sentenses
③ use the expression that is suit the situation
④ be careful the tense (present⇔past)
⑤ use dictionaries moderately and express in your own words
⑥ refer to TV programs
Then, they started to wrote a report….
After that, they read it in groups and exchanged opinions each other.
Some students corrected the sentenses.
Finally, two or three students presented their repoats.

(3rd grade "Let's talk about foster program")
First, they practiced the use of present perfect (experience) in pairs.
Then they practiced new words.
After that, they listened to the CD and read the sentenses aloud.
The Role of the teacher
Each grade, the teacher
・explained new words and phrases to the students.
・checked who could do it and who couldn't do it, and supported the latter.
・picked up some student and let him/her presentation.

Hints and Clues as to How to Have a Successful English Class
I was surprised that the teachers rarely wrote on blackboard; instead of using chalks, they put cards and pictures on blackboard. I thought it's a good idea to save time.

1 comment:

fantasista said...

Hi! I'm Fantasista.
I also think the cards of useful words and phrases are very important. If teachers use them, they can teach more smoothly.